The Tribes Disparate

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 Three years ago, at the height of the Hiway War and Robb’s hubris, the Tribe of Antlers lost their homeland to a terrible siege. Reborn in the image of pain and fire, they traveled northwards alongside the Cervaxi people to find a new homeland in which to rebuild their empire. 

And rebuild they did. 

Bearer of the Antlered Crown, Holy Mother Queen Jasper became, in the months that followed the Hiway War, in earnest the conqueror she had always claimed to be. Her brother, Prince Shale, Stone Eye’d in kind proved himself a capable ambassador, and shrewd businessman. In a few short years the Antlers amassed for themselves a dynasty of thirteen houses colloquially known as the Tribes Disparate and forged for themselves an identity of power and capability. 

Of the Houses that sit beneath the crown, these are those that are most commonly encountered in the Bravado Territories. 

House Motto: “War and Faith”

House Antler 

The oldest tribe within the coalition and most respected by far, House Antler also boasts the biggest military might albeit with the smallest actual population. Antlers are chiefly concerned with two things: War and Faith. They are a deeply spiritual people and are made up almost entirely of Seasons. Most favor Autumn and Winter teachings (as their leader is an old Crow Eater) with a few Spring members filling out the rest. At war they serve two functions for the Tribes: Scouting and Raiding. At both they prefer sneaky ambush tactics and will not hesitate to kill every enemy on the battlefield whether or not they have surrendered. Led by the Holy Mother Queen Jasper, members of this House are warriors and priests who equate conquest and rite with morality. Some fanatics cite Jasper as their Godqueen, going so far as to kill not just under her banner - but in her name.

House Sweetwater

Lead by a young and vivacious Regent, House Sweetwater is the main wheels beneath the carriage of the Tribes Disparate. They function as ferriers, tradesfolk and forward scouts for the inland flotilla that is the frontier-breaking population. Known best for their coming-of-age rituals in which anyone may participate but must upon seeking recognition as a member of this tribe, House Sweetwater hopefuls are ferried to a distant scrapyard somewhere west of Fort Worthless and left there. Each person must leave with their own ride and are prohibited from offering their passenger seat to any strain that fails this test. Because of this their numbers are small. But what few Sweetwaters pass this test are lauded as heroes. Some half of their population practices the Tribe of Seasons religion - with a heavy focus on the cycle between day and night, Ride and Rest - with veneration for the Great Wheel, forever may she turn.

House Motto: “Ride and Rest”
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House Rabbit

At the height of the Hiway War, a family of Rovers was saved by the selfless actions of Braves. Given a ride, fuel and the means to protect themselves - this tribe is no quicker to forget kindness than cruelty and the memory of a Rover is a long and steadfast thing. Made up of farmers, craftsmen and common folk - the leader of this tribe, Mama Rabbit, amassed a following in the wake of the War thanks to her clever mind, steadfast nature and commitment to decency. House Rabbit joined quickly with House Antler and has been instrumental in the economic growth of the Tribes Disparate, and the strong and steady voice of Ms. Rabbit reminds any faction that steps out of line of the debt they owe to the former inhabitants of Bravo. House Rabbit has no single unifying system of belief, but any member of this tribe will express, before all else, that the last and best thing we have is decency

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House Torchlight

When the bomb ignited and the place-that-was-Bravo became a hellscape of molten rock, burned oxygen and gravemind slag - hundreds of Lascarian lives ended in an brutal instant. What remained were the burned-out-husks of people who, without clan or culture, began the slow process of decay long before their bodies gave out. These blind and beleaguered folk would surely be dead save for the intervention of The Lightbearer. They found him by following the signs: burning fields shaped into ancient cave drawings, burning lines in ever clear directions. At first it was but a few gathered under his light, but like moths to the flame more and more found their way into the torchlight. It is said that Queen Jaspar herself defeated the original Lightbearer in ritual combat for control of the cult and slew him. Another was quickly chosen from their ranks and the Torchlights joined the Tribes knowing with their founder gone they would never survive again in isolation.

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House Ja Cintos

Radiation sickness follows nuclear detonation like night follows day, and in the wake of the War the Ja Cinto compound found itself in a unique position. Thanks to some clever planning on the part of their Colonel and an extraordinary amount of luck, what would become House Ja Cintos helped aid the Antlers and their sister Cervaxi tribe in the founding of their new homeland by curing, en masse, the radiation sickness that threatened to quarter the Antler’s population. The Ja Cintos are now closely aligned with the Antlers if not in terms of religion then at the very least galvanized by their shared hate of Hellfire. Largely followers of the Fallow Hope, the Ja Cintos are an important heart of the Tribes, sharing the passion and vision of Queen Jasper in creating a better world for their people.


The Hermits of Helios

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The Hermits of Helios are transfixed with the adaptation of the self to understand and survive the evolution of earthly and natural adversity. They look toward the Sun in its Deadly and Lifegiving Radiance acknowledging this dichotomy it represents. Likewise, it represents, to them, the reminder that humanity has endured through calamity, analogous to Night, and evolved to not simply survive, but thrive in it's new Day. When the Hermits realized they were not strong enough to stand alone in the darkness, they sought refuge with the Tribes Disparate. After the Oxkiller attack on Waking, the Hermits sought membership with the Tribes and became the newest addition to the faction.

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House Long Berth 

Having lived on the Lonestar coast for generations, the fires that followed the bomb pushed this tribe onto their boats and into the shadowy waters of the Spoiled Coast. While the land burned, the Longberths fished. When the fires died, they returned to a broken land and found it unsatisfying when compared to the vibrant ocean upon whose bounty they had become fat and happy. In returning the Longberths encountered House Antler and agreed to an alliance with the understanding that the coast and its waters belonged to them. Known to occasionally attack rival merchant vessels as they come to the Lonestar to trade, the Longberth are not entirely peaceful. While not large enough in population to become a real threat to shipping, they have a history with the Junkerpunks and are occasionally caught in minor skirmishes with them over trade routes. Recently, they’ve used their influence over the riverways to help the Junkerpunks settle the new port of Drywater, and there is hope that the past conflict between the groups can lead to new endeavors and mutual profit.


House Scadia

Lead, at least in name, by their errant lord Hogan Clark - House Scadia, in response to the events of the Hiway War and their haphazard flight from Old Bravo, has become a melting pot of travelers and displaced people from across the Lone Star. Though their army is smaller than some houses, the surviving Scadian warriors are elite enforcers and protectors. A holdover from the time before the Bomb, the Scadians take pains to host their Spring Tournament, now inclusive to all who wish to participate. A vector by which debts are settled, arguments quelled and rivalries saited, the Spring Tournament is held in Queen Jaspers name in tandem with the Summit each year. Sharing House Ja Cinto’s hatred of Hellfire and House Rabbit’s loyalty to the crown, the Holy Mother regularly uses Scadian guards and envoys when she needs to convey not simple strength of arm, but dangerous discipline.

  • This group of the Tribes Disparate is predominantly represented by LC characters. 

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House Cervaxi 

The Cervaxi people, following the bomb, traveled from Old Bravo with House Antler to their new homeland. It was with the Cervaxi and their matriarch that the first contract was struck and the Tribes Disperate were formed in truth. Followers of the Four Mothers, this tribe is characterized by their penchant towards long, fine braids and their unwavering dedication to protecting and providing for those downtrod and desperate. At times this position can cause friction with other members of the Tribes Disparate - but their provost and the Holy Mother Queen Jasper share a personal friendship that afford the Cervaxi some leeway in this regard. 

  • This group of the Tribes Disparate is predominantly represented by LC characters.

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Cali*Co Caravan

The Cali*Co Caravan ferries goods across the Dune Sea to the west of New Bravado. Cheerfully Final Knight, this thriving crew of Townies and Nomads scuttles across the sands in closebacked, low slung caravans decorated with graffiti that resembles their home, the old Cadillac Ranch. Dealing in pigments, fine oils and other luxury goods, the Cali*Co Caravan is responsible for a nontrivial amount of the Tribe’s Disparate income from outside the Lonestar. Their system of belief comes from Old Vegasia, a bright and beautiful and terrible city that informs the Caravaners that the strong and bright will survive the night - and the weak will bake in the sun. The Caravan has traders in every major city in the San Saba, but their main trade routes run directly through the city of Essex and the coffers of Malorous Mab. Recently, the Cali*Co have begun expanding their network of arms dealers through the region and offered an alliance with the new settlement of Drywater to build their defense network of the port. Though initially declined in favor of the Redfield Boatel & Spa, the Caravan hopes that their resources of firearms, weapons, and vehicles can be sold to another bidder soon.

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The Curators

Archivists, every one of them, the Curators believe that the fall of man is cyclic and inevitable and an occurrence not to dread, but to account for. Books burn, leaflets mold and the oral tradition truncates in the event of nuclear demise. But psion crystals - those last. By arcane science poorly understood outside their small cult, the Curators truck in memory. They pay small prices for the psion crystals that grow in the gray matter of aberrants. Not all of them contain useful memories, most are dross. But some; the crystals that pass into their distant vaults, are said to contain the secrets of the world. Through a strange psionic ritual that the Curators call the “Vault of Memories”, they hope to experience the memory inside and glean whatever information they can. However, the crystals are difficult to attune, and they have found no particular pattern for why one person can communicate with the crystal while others cannot. The Curators are one of the most recent additions to the Tribes Disparate, and their strange rituals have allowed the Queen to preserve the history of her people and the trials they faced during the Hiway War.

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Airfolk, Windkin, Sky Rovers; the Cloudskipper Collective is a flotilla of zeppelins that travel the windy eddies above the Lonestar as merchants, traders, and occasionally heroes. Thanks to recent advances in technology the Cloudskippers are able to carry massive loads across huge distances largely away from the Mortis threat. Because of this they are generally understood to be the most reliable merchant caravan in the wastes - but also the most expensive to charter. Cloudskippers use psions as Navigators for their unique airships, using a special resonant wood that makes up the hull to communicate with the airship. The responsiveness of their vehicles gives them an edge in the sky unmatched by other sky faring vessels. Their chief vessel, a galleon of a blimp called they affectionately refer to as “Skyfather”, is said to never touch down - possessing dual engines in its belly and smaller craft who ferry fuel up to its altitude. Captains have a tradition and superstition of trading a story for passage on their ships. They refuse to hear the ending until the journey is complete, as it ensures they make it to their destination safely as the story has not been finished.

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Local 727

The Local 727 are a Union of crafts folk, laborers and small time merchants who believe in fair work and fair pay fundamentally. Made up of many Evolved, Mutant and some Devoted strains, this faction inside the Tribes Disparate plays a large part in providing infrastructure for their fellow Tribes. The 727 provides vehicles, scrap, and armaments to their allies, and have network affiliated crafters in every major settlement in the San Saba. Team players, collective enthusiasts, and generally hardworking - the Local 727 built themselves from the ugly aftermath of war, determined to build a better, more enduring world. The union firmly supports the unofficial motto of the San Saba – “Do Work, Get Paid”, and find themselves staunch allies of the RRC, as long as the contracts are fair and profitable.


FORMER MEMBERS of the TRibes Disparate

House Ox-Killers

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By the standards of the Tribes Disparate, the Ox-Killers are a young clan. Formed in response to the rise of the Railroad Commission’s jet-engine locomotive this tribe shares a hatred for the industrialization of the wastes that borders on the fanatic. Once held barely in check by the power and charisma of Holy Mother Queen Jasper and the combined military might of the other members of the Tribes Disparate - the Ox-Killers were unique in that they are both too useful to kill and too dangerous to let operate autonomously. After a dangerous attack on the floating city of Waking during the Waste’s Fair, Lord Hush led a strike team in an attempt to cripple and crash the Shining City. For his betrayal, the Queen was forced to eject the clan from the protection of the Tribes Disparate. Now, the Oxkillers are hunted felons across the San Saba, and the Law Dogs actively reward those that take down one of the former Tribes clanfolk.