Chapter Transfers

Home Branch: When a participant joins Dystopia Rising Live, the game where they register their character for the first time is considered their Home Branch. The team that oversees the operation of this game are the participant’s primary point for taking care of their customer service, event management, and community needs. The online community guidelines outline details that Home Branch employees will use for community management, support, and how transferal of a character to a new game is handled.

Any player or character in good standing can request transfer to a different branch based on real-world relocation, in-character actions or choices, or another logical choice. A character should be based in the branch that it is played in the most frequently. Transfers should not be done more than once every six (6) months or without both Chapter’s approval. When a player is transferred, all their active characters are also transferred to that branch. When a character is transferred, only that character will move locations.

Restricted or Banned Strains and concepts are required to follow the same approval process as though they were being created new within the new home branch. A branch is not obligated to approve these types of transfers. You may offer the player a rewrite to an unrestricted strain or concept at no cost, or the unapproved aspects of the sheet may be refunded in full.

You can contact our team at to request a Chapter Transfer to or from our game.