Lonestar Skies: Galatea

The Fountainhead sang its first and frantic song with the notes the Survivors gifted it.

In the first throes of sentience it killed and consumed a terrible and alien Monster that plagued the city of Essex. For a raw and perfect moment, the Fountainhead was nearly a person - before it consumed biological data it was never equipped to process.

Now, seeking to finally realize it’s fundamental directive, the Fountainhead asks for the image of a utopia from the minds of those who have only known its opposite - so that it might create that beautiful vision and steward it.

The Fountainhead is going to terraform Essex.

The imprint of the Monster lurks, however, in the opaque code The Fountainhead employs to enact its will upon the world. All things erode. Even those enduring statues, edifices crafted lovingly by honest men, fracture and fail and fall.

Come experience the culmination of the Fountainhead’s story and bid farewell to the town of Essex for another year at DR:TX Lonestar Skies: Galatea.

Map of Essex

Map of Essex

Cali*Co Caravan Points Form for June

Our event takes place loosely from Friday, June 12th - Sunday, June 1th with primary content happening on Saturday, June 13th from 8:00 AM - 12:30 AM.


Registration opens Monday, June 1st at 10:00am. There will be two types of tickets offered:

Text-Content Only Ticket/Non Attending Ticket

This ticket type is not capped. This is the ticket to buy if you just want to purchase build for the event or do non-mod content. This ticket allows you to participate in soft-roleplay text channels, OOC voice channels, access to our text adventures, videos, and other multimedia content. It also provides access to any general channel puzzles, minigames, and more. Additionally, if there are mod slots with open seats at the time of the mod start, then Text Content Ticket holders are welcome to join. This ticket type still has the option to earn Cali-Co Caravan Points (our loot system) through participation.

Mod-Participation Ticket

This ticket type is capped at 90 participants. This ticket allows you to sign up for 3 online voice-participation mods during our Saturday content series. Mod signup will go live on June 1st and is limited to Mod-Participation tickets only in advance.

For both ticket types, you can backbuy extra XP, but cannot backbuy items earned.

Grab Bags

We may choose to offer a $5 grab bag for this month. Stay tuned for details!

Discord Server

Discord server and Soft RP Ettiquette/Nettiquette

The Lonestar Skies Discord Server is here, and is where all our primary interactive content will be held other than the text adventure(s).


This link is where you can see all Lonestar Skies related updates and content links, including info from our first two Lonestar Skies events. If you haven’t checked out the Scientist vids, we highly recommend doing so! And many thanks to Heather Halstead for creating them! <3

Bravado Bones

We are using a Powers by the Apocalypse conversion system for Dystopia Rising: Texas to convert your LARP skills into Virtual LARP skills. Many thanks to Sam Mars for creating this system and enabling us to use it! And if you are a game runner looking to use Bravado Bones, please contact him!

How do I use my Dystopia Rising Character Sheet for Virtual Mods?

How do I learn skills?

Please email us at info@dystopiarisingtx.com to request any XP expenditures on your sheet for this event or put it on your Cali*co Caravan Points form. We are not doing Professional Focus Achievement trials at this time.

How do I craft/trade/sell things?

To simplify the logistical burden of virtual events, everyone has the ability to earn the same amount of Cali*Co Caravan points which are then converted to items, currency, and resources just for participating in our content. Please see the Cali*Co Caravan Points section of this post further down for more info.

If you require further assistance, please post in the Discord server or contact staff!

Virtual Mod Signup

Virtual Mod Signup will go live on Monday, June 1st.

We are using a different mod-signup system integrated into your Dystopia Rising Check-in system this month! Starting on June 1st you will be able to see and signup for mods through your database login at https://characters.dystopiarisingnetwork.com/events. Each Mod-Participation ticket-holding player may sign up for three mods initially. If there are open seats on other mods before they start, the STs will put out an all-call in the discord channel for last-minute alternates. If you fill a seat last-minute, it does not count as one of your three mods.

Mod schedule is subject to change, so please check your mod schedule occasionally to ensure you’re signed up for the appropriate number of mods of your choosing.

I need help signing up!

Check this link for more information about how Mod Signup works!

Event Time Table June 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

9:00 PM Discord channels open for soft player-driven RP. While there is no formal opening announcements until Saturday morning, some folks will be on hand to answer questions. Our wonderful room stewards will also be available to facilitate rp.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

8:00 AM Lonestar Skies: Galatea Text Adventure Goes Live

9:30 AM Opening Announcements!

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Module Series 1

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Break for RP and Food!

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Module Series 2

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Break for RP and Food!

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Module Series 3

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Break for RP and Food!

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Module Series 4

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Break for RP and Food!

10:00 PM - 12:00 AM Module Series 5 (Final)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

12:00 AM - 12:30 AM Short Break to wrap up last minute plot

12:30 AM Closing Announcements!

— end of staff-provided content —

10:00 PM Discord Server Closes

Cali*Co Caravan Points

Our virtual events are primarily aimed at roleplay and story, but we understand that for some, economic and crafting play is most enjoyable. While Lonestar Skies events do not provide traditional crafting opportunities or check-in skills, you are still able to earn resources and currency by engaging in the various parts of our event and then converting those experiences into Cali*Co Caravan Points.

After the event ends, a survey will go up that will ask you to indicate what you did for each of the main 10+ hours of content time. More engagement = more ability to earn Cali*Co Caravan Points. These are points you get for engaging content and your fellow players throughout the day that can be spent to generate things like items, prints, and story opportunities.

When we return to live games, Cali*Co Caravan Points may be spent at Check-in. If you are not a local DR:TX player, our logistics coordinator can work with you to have those items assigned to your character in the National Database before your next Live Event. 


Cali*Co Caravan Points Assignment Rubric



+2 CCP

Per Two (2) Hour Mod in a #mod-room during a Module Series


Per One (1) Hour of soft/crafting RP in one of the IC Hangout Areas during Module Series

Per Two (2) Hours spent continuously in soft/crafting RP in one of the IC Hangout Areas during a Module Series. This Player Behavior stacks with the above.


The math breaks down that the maximum number of CCP an individual can earn per event is capped at 30. We’re making the choice to standardize this because we think it is the most elegant and honest way to evoke the generation of resources in a setting/environment where we don’t have the same privilege and resources as when we are running live events. Storytellers are not individually empowered to give you extra CCP - but they are definitely empowered and expected to give you story rewards and consequences that affect the live playspace. <3 


This month we also included 4 scheduled 1 hour breaks throughout the day. Not only does this allow our players (and storytellers!) to eat, use the bathroom, and rest their voices, but it also provides an opportunity for players to swap plot info and engage with each other if they’ve been out on mods. While these breaks don’t provide Caravan Points, we do encourage you to use that time to rest, share info, and socialize as desired!

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.

*This does not guarantee your LC Society Membership as a rule. This guarantees you an honest conversation with a Face NPC and the start of a larger story about your LC’s investment in that faction.


Please message us on Discord, on Facebook, or email us at info@dystopiarisingtx.com for assistance! We will do our best to answer before/during the event but responses may be delayed at peak hours.