The State of Bravado

“What has happened in Bravado since we last left?”

We have players that never attended a single 3.0 game, players that attended some of our live seasons or virtual events, and even brand new players that have never attended a DR:TX event! Whatever your involvement, this page is intended to help you get caught up on the story and setting of our game to the level you want! And if you would rather just enter play without reading a bunch of web pages, that’s ok too! None of this is required reading.

You can find some recaps of our recent events on our blog posts. These might give you some insight into major story points that occurred during the last few games.

Read about our Game Recaps Here

As an attempt to answer a complicated question, I’d like to give you a few different options:

Click one of the responses above, and find out more!

We’ve provided a lot of additional background information on the setting, all of the various factions of the San Saba Board, and even summaries of our virtual events here:

If you don’t think you would have kept up with all of this, that’s fine!  That means there's a lot to learn about in game, and I know we have lots of characters that would be happy to tell you their side of the story.  These kinds of roleplay interactions can make for a memorable experience!

But we’ve taken a lot of pride in documenting all the stories we’ve told so far, so we hope you’ll spend some time reading about the setting we care about very much!

See you at the next game!