Free Trade and Mutual Aid

What To Expect at the DR:TX Premier Event

Good morning, Survivors!

Our upcoming premier event, The Long Night, is a game designed to be a little more than our standard faire. And, because I like putting all the information in front of you guys way before it becomes relevant to you, I’m going to preempt the weekend with some choice intel about the unique narrative elements you’ll be seeing. 

The Monolith, Exhumed 

From underneath New Bravado, erupted the black and towering obelisk that has only recently been dubbed The Monolith. Accompanying its liberation from the dark and loamy soil of downtown Bravado, a supermassive horde of zed slammed into the city’s eastern perimeter and, for the better part of a month, has attempted to break that line as if to siege the structure itself.

Ensconced in that same fell menhir, behind filmy walls of mucus and remembered steel, lies the corpus of a creature considered dead and dealt with, until now. 

The Monolith is a Mortis protrusion of...grave proportions. Shaped like an upended splinter, but three stories tall, this towering spire of old blood and coagulated osseum seems to be drawing zed with all the power of some arcane, malicious beacon. 

At its base, nearly crusted shut with slag and biomass, is a door. 

Survivors will, over the course of the weekend, descend into the Monolith (Or ascend, because it is technically a tower structure), in search of answers. This will look like solving puzzles, obtaining information and items from inside the ride, and interrogating long-dead scientists from an era where the Mortis was even more poorly understood than it is now. 

There will be an option internal to the Monolith story path that ends in a great sacrifice (this does not imply Infection loss) where you, the player, may zipline to safety from the depths of the Monolith. There is another, equally important to the success of the weekend, path for those who (for any reason whatsoever) do not want to opt into the zipline content. 

An Oncoming Icestorm 

The Long Night looms on the darkening horizon, too, and the wind grows frighteningly cold. Battling the fractured memories and suspended suffering of the everdead in the Mortis, and the threat of an ecological annihilation outside it - the people of New Bravado must find shelter from the oncoming icestorm, evacuate the city before the darkness descends, or find some way to outlast it in the roughshod and poorly insulated wooden housing provided by the RRC.

The events of The Long Night preamble the arrival of the actual Long Night, a period of extended darkness in the San Saba Territories during which zed and worse stalk the blind and cold eternity for anyone foolish enough to step from the circle of their own firelight.

The scientists employed by the Railroad Conglomerate predict an unprecedented icestorm sometime after the fall of the Long Night. Frozen biomass cannot self-replicate, they say. And so if the town does not find some way to preserve its people, many citizens of the territory will not make it through the Long Night. 

A Free Trade Agreement with New Requiem

Felicity Redfield, CEO of the RRC has struck an agreement with Anton Anastasia of the Thirteen Families and The Fold. More than a thousand miles of Oxline between New Requiem and Bravado, and all the commerce and complication that accompanies it, looms ahead. Will the lack of oversight create opportunities for the criminally minded to push their goods far afield? Seems likely.

This month a new mechanic will enter play Friday night, at the signing of the agreement below. Following the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement the Survivors at DR:TX and DR:NY games will be able to use Local Plot Cards from EITHER settlement at EITHER game.   The mechanic will last for one (1) year. 

The plaintext version of this document can be found here

Interested? Register for our event here! See you in the Greater Wastes!