3.0 database updates, first event memos, advanced memberships, and fancy postcards!

3.0 Database Update

We hope you have all enjoyed experimenting with the 3.0 Character Builder so far! Thank you to everyone who helped us troubleshoot and pinpoint bugs and issues. We’re ready now to roll out the next iteration of the database that will contain some important updates, fix issues, and add greater functionality. As a result, there are some important things to note!

To facilitate implementing the new fixes, we will be doing a reset. Take screenshots/write down your character builds if you need to, as you will likely need to rebuild your character(s) post-reset.

On 9/14 all character drafts will be wiped. All XP build up until 9/14 will be updated in the player tool including advanced membership dates, total home events, and all 2.0 build.

Additionally, if your 2.0 database email was one you shared with another person, you may find that your email is also reset due to duplication. If you are still waiting on an email reset that never arrived, or any other issue, please contact us after 9/15 so that we can add a valid email address onto your account in the new system.

Pre-registration and Event Check-in

We are about two weeks out from our first game of 3.0! This is one of many reminders that pre-registration is currently open but will close at midnight on Friday, September 20th so that we can prepare your check-in packets. If you have not done so already, you can fill out a Background submission form and contract request form so that you can hit the ground running in 3.0 with ties to the factions you want (or don’t!).

Event check-in (where you can select your NPC/Casting shifts and all that good stuff) is coming soon. We will post that link and announce it here once it is available!

Season Opener Reminders

Reminder to folks who haven’t browsed the Living in Bravado section of the website yet, we have switched the buildings around!

The Dining Hall is now called The Depot and is the location for Logistics/Ops. This is where Opening Announcements will happen at 8pm on Friday. This is also where you will go to check-in when you get on site, report for your npc/casting shift, and New Players will meet here for New Player Orientation after Opening Announcements.

The Post Office is now in the front room of Kiva, now called The General Store. This is where you go for your in-character skill needs such as turning in salvage or making things as an artisan. After game-on, this is also where you will go for weapon-tagging and to receive replacement starter gear. The back room of Kiva is our Med Room/Decompression space still.

The top floor of Kiva is recommended for New Player sleep. As always, be courteous when reserving bunks for yourself and others. While no building is ‘attack-free’, players with OOC-sleep write-offs may find the most restful place to be Wikiup/The Dusthouse.

The Hopi building that was formerly Logistics is now The Hallows/The Morgue. We will be ringing the bell on site when characters die, which will be an indication that if you wish to use the skill Necrokinetics, you will head to Logistics prior to their Death Scene to ask if the player consents to the use of the skill. Once the death scene begins, we will not be adding participants.

We will be safety checking and re-tagging items at check-in. Now is the time to check that weapon you’ve had sitting in the back window of your car and make sure it’s still functional and safe! Texas heat is brutal on latex and foam, so don’t be surprised when you get to site and realize you need a new weapon! Check now and avoid the headache later.

Starter Gear

You can receive starter tags for the following for each character at check-in following a safety-check:

  • 1 Firearm or Bow

  • 1 Shield

  • 3 Melee Weapons (any combo)

  • 6 Thrown Weapons

  • 1 Unarmed Combat (a pair counts as one)

  • 1 Starter Armor (5 Armor Points)

Starter weapons do not require an item card, but do require a safety tag on the item. Starter gear always swings for base damage and cannot be crafted up. Starter Armor is always 5 points. This listed amount of items is to keep the check-in line moving first game. If for some reason you require additional starter gear, please wait until there is a low volume of players in line at Logistics (before game on) or Post Office (after game on) to request additional items. Starter weapons are free to any character at any time.

2.0 > 3.0 Item Conversion

If you have not converted your items from 2.0 > 3.0 yet, you can help make that process go faster by pre-counting your cards and putting them on these printable sheets:
2.0 Turn-in sheet
3.0 Item Request sheet

If you are doing large amounts of transfers, especially prints, please send us an email in advance so we can prep those ahead of time and save you time in line. info@dystopiarisingtx.com is the contact.

Offscreen Crafter & Survivor’s Talisman

If you are crafting items with Offscreen Crafter or requesting a Survivor’s Talisman, please fill out this form so we can do that tedious card-writing in advance! Everyone will be happier this way!

If you are doing large amounts of transfers, especially prints, please send us an email in advance so we can prep those ahead of time and save you time in line. info@dystopiarisingtx.com is the contact.

If you're doing a talisman, please look over the blueprint catalog available to download with the 3.0 rulebook on DriveThruRPG and have an idea of what you are interested in converting your item to. This will help cut down on time waiting in Ops while you decide what you want. If you have questions about what is allowed, please email us.

Rulebook and Blueprint Catalog are here

The Survivor's Talisman official write-up has been added to the trade-in store. For those of you who haven't transferred your items yet, this allows you to more directly preserve one 2.0 item that was meaningful to your character into a 3.0 equivalent. Details are here.

Event Schedule


3:00pm Site Opens and players can come on site

4:00pm Pre-Reg line opens

5:00pm On-site Registration opens

6:00pm New Player Guides are available in Logistics to help with New Players

8:00pm Opening Announcements outside of Logistics/Dining Hall

8:30pm New Player Orientation begins following Opening Announcements at Logistics. This leads into the New Player Mod at 9:00pm.

9:00pm Game On!

The Post Office will be open until 2am on Friday and Saturday night and opens at 8:00am on Saturday and Sunday. The Post Office closes at game-off on Sunday.


12:00pm Game Off! Closing Announcements will be at the Bell at the Crossroads.

12:30pm Personal Cleanup begins

1:30pm Camp Cleanup begins

We all are tired at the end of the weekend so help your neighbors pack if you’re done with your section and we can all go home earlier!

Fancy Postcards!


We mayyyyy have had our super talented artist, Anastasia, make these really bad-ass postcards to celebrate the start of Bravado 3.0! We have 100 ordered, and they will be first come, first serve to players on site on Friday (and guaranteed in your packet if you pre-reg, so there’s more incentive to do that thing!).

Advanced Memberships

Advanced Memberships can now be purchased through our website directly. Check it out here!