Faction Buy Lists

Bravado’s Post Office carries goods for the town’s various factions. The lists below are available to characters with the associated Society Membership Skill on their sheet. The purchase lists for members of the factions of Bravado function similarly to the lists for Trade Connections, Criminal Influence, or Sailing.

A character must have the appropriate level of the Society Membership skill to access a list. The character can spend Brass (฿) or Trade Notes to access each tier of the list.

  • Basic Society Membership: 

    • Buy one item or service from any one faction’s Basic list for 1฿ or Trade Note

  • Proficient Society Membership: 

    • Buy one item or service from any one faction’s Proficient list for 5฿ or Trade Notes

  • Master Society Membership: 

    • Buy one item or service from any one faction’s Master list for 10฿ or Trade Notes

Society Membership with Bravado factions can gained by completing Work Orders and Personal Plot Requests to request a Faction Interview, or even investing Brass to outright purchase a “stake” in the faction.

A character may only buy one item per event from each level they can access, no matter how many different Factions they represent.

This means a character with Society Membership in both the Railroad Conglomerate and the Lovelace family could buy items from either list, but only buy one item from each tier. They could purchase a Basic tier item from the RRC, and a Proficient tier item from the Lovelaces, but could not purchase both a Basic item from the RRC and Lovelaces during the same event.

The DR:TX Faction Buy Lists were designed by Sam Mars.

There are several types of purchases you can gain from these lists. [LPC] refers to a “Local Plot Card”. This is an item that is only usable in Bravado and cannot be taken to other chapters without their explicit approval.

An item listed as [Service] refers to an immediate effect or buff that is applied to your character without requiring an item card.

The Railroad Conglomerate


  • Company Money - “Take out some petty cash.”

  • Single-Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. Counts as 10 Brass Notes when making purchases from NPC merchants and other casted characters. Cannot be used to purchase buy list items at the Public Works. Requires Society Membership: Railroad Conglomerate.


  • Bodyguard Contract - “Throw money at your problems until they are dead.”

  • Single-Use LPC. 1 Month Expiration. Expend this item and pay 5 currency to employ another LC, that character gains [UPSURGE 20 ARMOR]. As long as these armor points remain, the character may spend 1 Mind to deal 5 Damage with a melee strike. This effect ends if the employer enters Bleed Out. Requires Society Membership: Railroad Conglomerate.


  • Delve Investment - “Fund an expedition into the archeological past!”

  • Service. San Saba Social. 3 Hour Expiration. Post the Zone of Mechanics: Public Delving Expedition at Post Office upon purchase. Only one Zone Of Mechanics with this keyword may be posted at a time. Any other San Saba Social purchased will replace this one. Overwriting an existing [San Saba Social] is a CVC action.

  • Thanks to the RRC’s investment, any character may spend 30 minutes Active Roleplay exploring and digging in the WASTELAND to find AMAZING ARTIFACTS (or useless junk). 

    Afterwards, return to the post office and expend any amount of BODY POINTS to signify the dangers and hazards you experienced on your expedition. For each 10 Body Points spent in this way, gain a random Salvaging or Foraging card from the Post Office. The items produced by this card must then be claimed with the use of the appropriate skill and any required expenditures.

    Characters with at least BASIC SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP in the RRC may spend MIND POINTS in addition to Body points on this expedition.

    AVONTUUR characters can Mangle up to four of their own limbs, for each limb Mangled in this way, gain an additional random Salvaging or Foraging card from the Post Office.

    Record these expenditures as “Public Delve” on the back of your sheet. A character may not benefit from a “Public Delve” more than once per event.

The Grave Council


  • Undertaker’s Draught - “A popular concoction for when the work must be done”

  • Single-Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. After consuming, extend your hand out, palm open, and declare “SMELL OF THE GRAVE - Undead Don’t Attack Me”. This effect persists as long as your hand remains extended, you use no Skills, and take no aggressive actions. Requires Society Membership: Grave Council.


  • Cantankerous Graft - “Excess biomass removed from the morgue.“

  • Single-Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. With Basic Medical and 5 minutes of surgical roleplay near a morgue, this graft can be stitched onto another LC to grant them [UPSURGE: 20 ARMOR]. As long as these armor points remain, the character may declare “Undead Bane” with Brawling strikes. Requires Society Membership: Grave Council.


  • Fountainhead Pulse -“This handheld device can, for a moment, call forth the last song of Essex’s savior.”

  • LPC. 3 Month Expiration. You may expend a RESOLVE to declare “PSIONIC: BY MY VOICE - ALL UNDEAD STUN ONE MINUTE”. Requires Master Society Membership: Grave Council to use.

The San saba Republic


  • SSR Scouting Reports - “Republic sky-pilots, caravan drivers, and rangers always know the best way to get it and stay safe.”

  • LPC - 1 Month Expiration. Possession of this item allows the user to reduce the time it takes to use any level of Foraging or Salvaging from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. Requires Society Membership: San Saba Republic.


  • Call to Market - “Use your considerable connections to call folks from across the wasteland to trade.”

  • Service. San Saba Social. 3 Hour Expiration. Post the Zone of Mechanics: Open Market at Post Office upon purchase. Only one Zone Of Mechanics with this keyword may be posted at a time. Any other San Saba Social purchased will replace this one. Overwriting an existing [San Saba Social] is a CVC action.

  • The San Saba Republic has brought in a Market day; with it has come throngs of newcomers, rumbling caravans, carousing farmers, and proselytizing philosophers.

    Townie, Nomad, Landsmen, or Devoted characters who spend 20 minutes in the area trading, talking business, or building connections may regain 5 Mind Points as if they had fulfilled the requirements of their lineage advantage.

    San Saba Republic members with Basic Trade Connections skill may spend 5 Mind to trade an additional 3 Uncommon Herb for Uncommon Scrap. Record this expenditure as “Open Market” on the back of your sheet. A character may not gain this benefit more than once per event.


  • Voice Of The People - “A Simple Declaration, Carved in Bone: For The Republic. Long Live the Queen”

  • Single-Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. You expend this item and spend a Resolve to declare “By My Voice - All Lineages, Heal 20”. Requires Master Society Membership: San Saba Republic to use.

Prudence Penitentiary


  • The Eye of Judgment - “This is some of that intimidating jewelry all of those Justices of Sin wear”

  • LPC. 3 Month Expiration. After taking damage from a melee strike delivered by a Lineage character, you may expend 5 Mind, indicate your attacker as Target and declare “FEAR - 5 Minutes”. Requires Society Membership: Prudence Penitentiary.


  • Bottled Indulgence - “A syringe of incredibly nasty stuff cooked up by the Butcher themselves.” 

  • Single Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. With Basic Malicious and 5 minutes of tortuous roleplay on another LC, you may infuse them with [UPSURGE: 20 ARMOR]. As long as these armor points remain, the character is immune to Mangle effects, and may declare “Strong Limbs - No Effect”. Requires Society Membership: Prudence Penitentiary.


  • Warden’s Conspiracy - “The results of our greatest work. Plans put carefully into motion”

  • Single Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. Expend this item and and a Resolve, raise your hand, choose one of the DR:TX factions, and declare “PSIONIC: COMPULSION: <FACTION> MEMBERS DEFEND ME - 30 MINUTES”. You may not declare the same <Faction> more than once per event with this mechanic. Requires Master Society Membership: Prudence Penitentiary to use.

Law Dog UNion


  • Dogrun Brew - “I don’t know what’s in that stuff the Law Dogs Drink, but it sure does make you tough and crazy”

  • Single Use LPC. Brew-Consumed. 3 Month Expiration. Spend one minute to consume this item to gain [UPSURGE: 20 BODY]. Using more than one Dogrun Brew per 12’s gives the user a Fracture for each additional brew consumed. Requires Society Membership: Law Dog Union.


  • Wyatt’s Roundup - “Call the Posse, it’s time to beat up some bad guys”

  • Single Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. Expend this item to call “AREA EFFECT: ALL [LAW DOGS] SWING 5 MELEE DAMAGE FOR 2 MINUTES. NO KILLING BLOWS.” Any character who attempts to call a Killing Blow immediately loses this effect. Requires Society Membership: Law Dog Union.


  • Arrest Warrant - “By the Power Invested In This Union, You Are Under Arrest.”

  • LPC. 1 Month Expiration. Note: When purchasing this LPC, name a [SUSPECT] to be written on the card. Requires Society Membership: Law Dogs. While you are in possession of this LPC, you may do the following:

    • Reduce the cost of Basic Malicious on the [SUSPECT] to one Mind point and one minute.

    • Once per minute, spend 5 Mind to declare a ranged “Line of Sight - NAIL 1 MINUTE” against the [SUSPECT]

    • Expend 1 Resolve to declare “No Escape” in response to the [SUSPECT] declaring “Never Here”.

    • Reduce the cost of Mental Endurance against effects from the [SUSPECT] to one Mind.

    Purchasing this item is a CVC action requiring the notification of Ops. Furthermore, you must post a clearly displayed, player-created “WANTED” poster for the [SUSPECT] at the Post Office.

The Lovelace Family


  •  The Ant & The Grasshopper - “Always best to put some supplies away for when you’ll need them most.”

  • LPC. 3 Month Expiration. This item has no effect until it expires, after which, it can be traded into the Public Works for three Rare Herb with a one-month expiration. Requires Society Membership: Lovelace Family.


  • Gracious Guest - “Taking care of the people around you often involves taking care of the environment around you.”

  • LPC - 1 Month Expiration. Note: When writing this LPC, note the name of the purchaser and choose Agriculture, Artisan, Culinary, or Hunting. You may not transfer this item to another character. Once per hour you may declare [AREA EFFECT UPSURGE: Reduce <chosen skill> times by half, minimum 5 minutes]. The user does not benefit from this time reduction and this may not stack with any other effect. Requires Society Membership: Lovelace Family.


  • Long Night Feast - “The community is at it’s best when shared in fellowship”

  • Service. San Saba Social. 3 Hour Expiration. Post the Zone of Mechanics: Long Night Feast at Post Office upon purchase. Only one Zone Of Mechanics with this keyword may be posted at a time. Any other San Saba Social purchased will replace this one. Overwriting an existing [San Saba Social] is a CVC action.

  • The Lovelace Family has provided space and shelter within the vicinity of this building to gather in fellowship.

    When eating a item-card Meal that restores body or mind in the vicinity of the General Store, increase the amount of Body or Mind restored by the meal by 5. This effect stacks with the Angry Anchor Mess Kit.

    After consuming a Meal in this area, you gain a single use of “FAMILY FELLOWSHIP - LONGWALKERS DON’T ATTACK ME”, which you may declare by extending your hand out, palm open. This effect lasts as long as your hand is raised.

Lonestar Widows and Children’s Fund


  • Fragile Teacup - “It is always unwise to interrupt Tea Time”

  • Single Use LPC - 3 Month Expiration. If you are struck while consuming a Brew, you may expend this item. Make a single melee strike against your attacker, and declare “TEA TIME - 20 DAMAGE” without interrupting brew consumption.


  • Texican Textbook - “That Widow school has one amazin’ library. Watch out for them late fines though.”

  • LPC. 1 Hour Expiration. Any character holding this LPC reduces the Mind expenditure cost by 10 (minimum 0) of any Research Task or Zone of Mechanics action in DR:TX. If this LPC is not returned to the Public Works before the noted expiration time, the purchaser experiences AGONY for two minutes as all of their limbs become immediately Mangled. Note: When writing this LPC, note the name of the purchaser. Furthermore, note the exact time of expiration.


  • The Greater Good - “You can bring the weight of the Widow's goodwill and public influence to bear enforcing a peace for the greater good.”

  • Single Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. Expend this item and a Resolve to raise your hand and declare “GREATER GOOD - AREA EFFECT, LINEAGES MAY NOT ATTACK”. Within 10 feet of you, [LINEAGE] characters may not take aggressive actions . This full engagement roleplay effect lasts for as long as the user does not move, and is able to keep their hand raised. Requires Society Membership: Widows Of The Lonestar



  • Boat Cleaner - “This stuff is foul. I think they use it to clean boats.”

  • Single-Use LPC. 3 Month Expiration. Brew-Injectable. Lose a RESOLVE, become stabilized, gain a Fracture, and become Unconscious with immunity to damage and killing blows for 5 minutes. Requires Society Membership: Junkerpunks.


  • The Admiral’s Finest - “Looks like someone bribed the Admiral to crack open a case of the good stuff”

  • Service. San Saba Social. 3 Hour Expiration. Post the Zone of Mechanics: The Admiral’s Finest at Post Office upon purchase. Only one Zone Of Mechanics with this keyword may be posted at a time. Any other San Saba Social purchased will replace this one. Overwriting an existing [San Saba Social] is a CVC action.

  • Thanks to Junker Punks’ investment, a shot of fine distilled spirits is available. Characters may pay 2 Brass Notes to the Post Office to drink immediately and gain one of the following effects in addition to Intoxication (30 Minutes):

    • Cuzzin Shaky’s - Service. Soothe any fractures you currently possess for the next hour.

    • Menacing Red - Service. [Upsurge] Next melee strike: declare 20 damage.

    • Shack-On-The-River - Service. [Upsurge] Extreme Intoxication. Reduce use of Agriculture by 5 minutes and Hunting by 10 minutes. Does not stack with other effects.

    • Sweeter Georgia - Service. Immediately regain 5 Body and 5 Mind.

    • Leadschläger Party Trick - Service. Gain a Lead Note.

    • Impotent Planter’s Punch - Service. Gain a “Spicy Hooch” basic Intoxicating Brew Card with 2 uses and a 3 month expiration date.

    A character with Society Membership: Junker Punks may choose a second, different option for free. A character may not benefit from a “The Admiral’s Finest” more than once per 12’s.


  • Captain’s Flog - ”Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves”

  • LPC. 3 Month Expiration. This item may only be used on VEHICLE MODS; as characters board the vehicle, you may declare “CAPTAIN’S FLOG - ALL ABOARD [UPSURGE: 20 MIND] WHILE ABOARD”. A character loses this Upsurge effect if the user leaves the vehicle or when the mod ends. Requires Society Membership: Junkerpunks.