Slang of the San SAba

The inhabitants of Bravado have a language of their own, and some common phrases and terms have emerged in the dusty streets of the town. Here’s a list of some common slang you might hear in our game.

  • Zed — This is a common term for a zombie. It’s easier to shout across the way, and some linguists think it comes from the way that some cultures pronounce the letter “Z”.

  • Raider - This is a common term for the brutal cannibal tribes that haunt the wastelands around settlements. Whatever remained of their humanity is long gone, replaced by a cruel and animalistic rage. Raiders can’t be reasoned with and are very deadly enemies of any survivor.

  • Critter - This is a common term for the mutated creatures that often threaten survivors in the San Saba wasteland. The immense radiation and strange zombie virus have had mutating effects on animals and plants, sometimes causing them to grow to dangerous sizes or combine them into some new horrible monstrosity looking for a survivor that smells like their next meal. From the lowliest rad badger to the mighty mega-fauna known as Leviathans, the creatures of the wasteland are just as dangerous as zed or raiders.

  • Oxline - The railroad that runs across the San Saba wasteland, and the easiest way to arrive in Bravado. The massive locomotive that carries new arrivals into town is known as the “OX”.

  • Duster — A new player. This is the name given to someone that just arrived in Bravado, as a reference to the dust that is often on them after a trip on the Oxline.

  • Breacher — Someone that has broken the charter of a town. Violators may be assessed a hefty fine, assigned a collective punishment of their peers through a ritual known as the Gauntlet, or be hunted by the Law Dogs.

  • Delver — This refers to any of the brave or foolhardy explorers that purposefully descend into the ruins under Bravado in search of scrap or glory. The primary reason a person comes to Bravado is to take their chances at fortune by becoming a Delver.

  • Contract — This is an in-game way to refer to your character sheet. If you need to pull out the sheet to make a note or write down a Mind expenditure, we generally refer to it as your Contract. You might hear NPCs or Guides ask to “check your contact” if they need to check for a particular skill or society membership on your sheet.

  • Oxblood — The primary export of the town is the oily fuel known as “Oxblood”. Sometimes called “Texas Tea”, this chemical is used to power the Ox across the vast distances of the San Saba.